Scottish History Videos

Here are a range of videos relating to key dates in Scottish history. The videos were produced around the theme of This Day in Scottish History, but there are scientists, monarchs, extra ordinary men from Scotland’s past and women from Scotland’s past.

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Even if you don't plan a trip to Scotland you can enjoy some of the locations and learn some of the history from these short clips of 'educomedy'. Why not subscribe to the Scotland History Tours YouTube channel and get each new clip as it's released? Click HERE to subscribe.

The Scotsman Who Taught English to Samurai?

The Scotsman Who Taught English to Samurai?

What's the story behind the Japanese first learning English? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, relates the tale of Ranald MacDonald... another Scottish story from Japan

A Bannockburn Story You Don't Hear... Sir Marmeduke de Thweng

A Bannockburn Story You Don't Hear... Sir Marmeduke de Thweng

One of a series of stories from The Battle of Bannockburn, that are often ignored or forgotten. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, takes you to another Bannockburn to tell you the story of Sir Marmeduke de Thweng

Are We Losing Scottish History?

Are We Losing Scottish History?

What is Scottish history and culture? Scots have migrated over the world. Four places stand out, and of them Dunedin in New Zealand more than most. Bruce Fummey visits Dunedin to ask: 'Are we, even at home, losing Scottish history?'

The Most Incredible Migration in Scottish History

The Most Incredible Migration in Scottish History

What was the most incredible migration story in Scottish history? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey tells the story of Norman MacDonald and people's of Sutherland across the globe.

What is Scottish History?

What is Scottish History?

Scottish history is often distorted by the prism we look through. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey goes to Perth Western Australia to examine another perspective on Scottish history.

The Whisky Story You Don't Hear About... Rita Cowan

The Whisky Story You Don't Hear About... Rita Cowan

Japanese scotch? How could that have happened? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey tells the story of Rita Cowan and how whisky came to Japan with a woman from Kirkintilloch.

The Scottish Samurai From Nagasaki

The Scottish Samurai From Nagasaki

Scotland's influence on Japan has been bigger than you might think. None more so than Thomas Blake Glover, the man known as 'The Scottish Samurai' But his path wasn't smooth. Bruce Fummey tells just one of the tales from the life of this Scotsman

The Most Incredible Pirate in Scottish History

The Most Incredible Pirate in Scottish History

Scotland had some famous pirates. This one was as colourful as he was complex and intriguing... and probably not from the era you'd imagine. Was he even Scottish? Bruce Fummey tells the tale of Scotland's most successful pirate

Could Mary Queen of Scots Have Escaped her English Prison?

Could Mary Queen of Scots Have Escaped her English Prison?

Mary Queen of Scots end famously executed by Elizabeth of England because she wanted to escape from her English prison. But was there ever an opportunity. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey visits two of the places she was held to find out.

What They Don't Say About the Bagpipes

What They Don't Say About the Bagpipes

The Bagpipes are quintessentially Scottish. Invented in Scotland, exclusively Scottish, in fact Highland Scottish. Scottish right? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, looks at the history of the Bagpipes

Tam O'Shanter From Robert Burns' Cottage and the Alloway Kirkyard

Tam O'Shanter From Robert Burns' Cottage and the Alloway Kirkyard

Tam O'Shanter is Robert Burns most famous poem. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, performs the poem in Burns' Cottage, the Alloway Kirkyard and the Tam O'Shanter pub in Ayr

The Bannockburn Story you Don't Hear About… The Truth about Henry de Bohun?

The Bannockburn Story you Don't Hear About… The Truth about Henry de Bohun?

Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockburn are well known to every Scotsman, but there are still secrets to be revealed. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey reveals a series of the lesser known stories from the Battle of Bannockburn

What They Don't Say About Scottish Christmas

What They Don't Say About Scottish Christmas

Are Scottish Christmas traditions different from English? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey. Looks from John Knox and James VI to Cromwell, Covenanters and the divisions in the British Isles over Christmas celebrations

The Scottish Castle Siege Nobody Talks About

The Scottish Castle Siege Nobody Talks About

In Scottish history there are lots of famous battles and sieges. Bruce Fummey takes you to St Andrews Castle and Broughty Ferry Castle to tell the story of two of the longest and most dramatic sieges in the life of Mary Queen of Scots

Is Harley Davidson Really Scottish?

Is Harley Davidson Really Scottish?

Harley Davidson is an American Brand, right? It depends how far back in history you go. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey explains the tale of emigration and the history of motor bikes that puts the home of Harley Davidson is, in Agnus,

What They Don't Say About Magna Carta

What They Don't Say About Magna Carta

What Scottish king is named in Magna Carta... and how did it all pan out? It was thee furthest a Scottish army ever got invading England? Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey crosses the border himself to tell the story on his Scottish history ch

How Scotland Invented International Football

How Scotland Invented International Football

In World Cup year Bruce Fummey looks back to the First ever international Football Match between Scotland and England at West of Scotland Cricket Ground... or was it?

A Scotch Whisky Story Nobody Talks About

A Scotch Whisky Story Nobody Talks About

So who were the American Gangers in the Scottish Highlands? Put prohibition and whisky production together and hey presto. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey takes you to oe of Scotland's smallest distilleries to tell the tale.

Stuff You Didn't Know About William Wallace

Stuff You Didn't Know About William Wallace

William Wallace is shrouded in mystery and clouded in romance. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, takes a look at five things most people won't have thought about this hero of the Scottish independence struggle

Look What England Stole from Scotland This Time !

Look What England Stole from Scotland This Time !

Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey visits Peveril Castle to investigate one of the key dates in Scottish history. Was it another thing the English stole from the Scots... or was it just medieval politics? A bit of Scotland is missing

Scottish West African Family Gets DNA Results... and it's a Shock

Scottish West African Family Gets DNA Results... and it's a Shock

Scottish or West African DNA? Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey shares the results of his family's DNA tests.

Who Made the Scottish People... The Normans

Who Made the Scottish People... The Normans

The Normans in Scotland were a defining influence. The Battle of Hastings and 1066 was past when David I brought Normans to Scotland. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, crosses the Channel to bring you the tale from Rouen Abbey to Dunfermline

When Did Mary Queen of Scots Become a Prisoner?

When Did Mary Queen of Scots Become a Prisoner?

Mary Queen of Scots spent more time than any other in an English prison. She didn't plan that... so when did she first realise that she was a prisoner in England? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey tells the story.

Is This THE MOST INCREDIBLE Historic Site?

Is This THE MOST INCREDIBLE Historic Site?

Shetland has some of the most incredible historic sites. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, visits Jarlshof to see 5000 year of history from Neolithic through Bronze Age, Iron Age, Pictish, Viking and Scots. Surely this IS our most incredible

How Scottish Was William Wallace?

How Scottish Was William Wallace?

William Wallace, Braveheart, victor of the Battle of Stirling Bridge... surely the greatest hero of Scottish medieval history... but how Scottish was he? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, goes to Stirling Bridge to discuss the background

Why is there an English Monument to a Scottish King?

Why is there an English Monument to a Scottish King?

Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, finishes his travels on the Scotland England border with a visit to a memorial to Malcolm Canmore, one of the last Celtic kings on the English side of the border.

How Scottish are The British Royal Family?

How Scottish are The British Royal Family?

How Scottish are the British royal family? Should Prince William and Harry wear Scotland rugby shirts? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, meets historian Lars Cook at Stirling Castle to look at family trees that led to today's royal family

How Do you Make a Scottish King?

How Do you Make a Scottish King?

Macbeth, Robert the Bruce, Malcolm Canmore, David I, Alexander I... How do you become a Scottish king? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey explains the selection process and inauguration of Scottish kings at Scone with help of Max Miller

What's the Most Viking-y Place in Scotland?

What's the Most Viking-y Place in Scotland?

Vikings in Scotland settled in various places, but which is the MOST Viking place in Scotland? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey meets archaeologist Chris Tait to find out about Scottish Vikings

What They Don't Say About the William Wallace Monument

What They Don't Say About the William Wallace Monument

William Wallace is a hero of Scottish independence, right? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey walks to the top of the Wallace Monument to reveal that it's really a celebration of the United Kingdom and British Empire

Who's The Patron Saint of the Scotland England Border

Who's The Patron Saint of the Scotland England Border

Can St Cuthbert Bridge the Scotland England border ?

How Vikings Fought Hitler... on a Shetland Bus

How Vikings Fought Hitler... on a Shetland Bus

The story of the world war two heroes of the Shetland Bus. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey visits Shetland to tell the tale of heroic Norwegian Fisherman turned World War Two spies carrying out clandestine operations across the North Sea

Why You'd Be Crazy Not to Visit Mousa Broch... in Iron Age Shetland

Why You'd Be Crazy Not to Visit Mousa Broch... in Iron Age Shetland

The Iron age Broch of Mousa is the most unique and magical place to visit. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey continues his exploration of Shetland with a boat trip to Mousa Broch.

I Never Knew The Edinburgh Fringe Was Scottish

I Never Knew The Edinburgh Fringe Was Scottish

Is the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Scottish? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, shares some of his own experiences and recommendations as he delves into more recent Scottish history to tell you the story of The Edinburgh Fringe

History of Shetland in 10 Minutes... Plus 60% Extra FREE

History of Shetland in 10 Minutes... Plus 60% Extra FREE

There's no place quite like Shetland. Vikings, Up Helly Aa, history, archaeology and culture. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, spent some time there to bring you the unique history of these islands. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did

What They Don't Say About the Piper's Lament

What They Don't Say About the Piper's Lament

Bagpipes are an essential to Highland culture. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, tells the story of MacCrimmon's Lament, but asks is there a sadder tale still?

The Story You Don't Know About Glencoe

The Story You Don't Know About Glencoe

Glencoe is one of THE places to visit in Scotland.There's beauty and a story of hard work that can take you from rags to riches and romance along the way. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey takes you to one of his favourite places

Did The Roman Empire Conquer Scotland?

Did The Roman Empire Conquer Scotland?

The Roman Empire in Scotland. Were we conquered? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey takes you to a Roman turf Fort and a Pictish hillfort and the Antonine Wall to talk about the Romans in Britain from a Scottish point of view....

What They Don't Say About The Clearances... The Galloway Levellers

What They Don't Say About The Clearances... The Galloway Levellers

Say Clearances and you think of Highlanders giving way for sheep. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, explains that the clearances started very differently indeed

Why You Have to Take This Canal Boat Ride into Scottish History

Why You Have to Take This Canal Boat Ride into Scottish History

Take the Union Canal to the Falkirk Wheel. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey takes you on an historical canal boat journey to tell you the story of the Union Canal and how we got to the Falkirk Wheel

Scottish African Gets DNA Results... Is Bruce Fummey Black?

Scottish African Gets DNA Results... Is Bruce Fummey Black?

cotland history tour guide, Bruce Fummey and his family to take DNA tests. The result was more surprising than he expected

End of the Scotland England Border? ...The Scots Dyke

End of the Scotland England Border? ...The Scots Dyke

The Scots Dyke is the last line on the Scotland England Border. Scotland history tour guide takes on the challenge to find his way along this frontier.

What They Don't Say About Scotland's Oil

What They Don't Say About Scotland's Oil

Did you know that Scotland was the world's first oil state? Have you heard of James Paraffin Young? Did you know that mass production of oil and by-products started in West Lothian? Bruce Fumey takes you on the Shale Trail

Why You'd be Crazy Not to Visit Rosslyn Chapel

Why You'd be Crazy Not to Visit Rosslyn Chapel

Rosslyn Chapel... home of knights Templar, The Da Vinci Code and more. It's definitely one of the must see places in Scotland and Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, gained exclusive access to tell you some of its history.

The Scotsman Who Ran Ukraine for Russia

The Scotsman Who Ran Ukraine for Russia

In a week when the Ukraine and Russia conflict saw British citizens are captured fighting for Ukraine, Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey turned his thoughts to James Keith who ran Ukraine for Russia and sold his sword to several princes.

What They Don't Say About The Kilt

What They Don't Say About The Kilt

The kilt, Scottish Highland dress is surrounded by rules and expectations, but who's are they? Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey visits a traditional kilt maker and looks at the history and rules of the kilt.

Must See Places in Scotland... West Lothian... and I'm no Jokin'

Must See Places in Scotland... West Lothian... and I'm no Jokin'

Scotland has some fantastic must see places. Sadly people often miss out on some of the gems because they get caught up in the tourist traps. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey shows you some of the must see places in and around Bathgate

Scottish African Takes DNA Test... Is Bruce Fummey Black?

Scottish African Takes DNA Test... Is Bruce Fummey Black?

Is Bruce Fummey Black? Scottish African tour guide, Bruce Fummey, was presented with this question, so he discusses his family tree and took a DNA test to find out.

What They Don't Say About Hadrian's Wall

What They Don't Say About Hadrian's Wall

Romans in Britain built Hadrian's Wall. It's often cited as the Scotland England border. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey visits Hadrian's Wall to ask some questions about Roman intentions, current perceptions and the nature of barriers.

The Scotsman Who Played Satan at Cards

The Scotsman Who Played Satan at Cards

Heard of Tam O' the Binns? In the heart of Scotland, West Lothian is a wealth of stories and places to visit. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey visited House of Binns to tell you the story of this incredible character.

Scots Irish and the Ethnic Cleansing of James VI

Scots Irish and the Ethnic Cleansing of James VI

Scots Irish, Ulster Scots, British, Irish, Ulster plantations. Bruce Fummey, discusses the effects most noted in the north of Ireland, but which were part the process of ethnic cleansing by James VI that started in Scotland

Battle of Flodden: Disaster on the Scotland England border

Battle of Flodden: Disaster on the Scotland England border

The Battle of Flodden on the Scotland England border was the worst disaster in Scottish military history. As he continues his travels on the Scottish English border, Bruce Fummey travels to the battlefield to tell the tale

How Coldstream Guards Got Named on the Scotland England Border

How Coldstream Guards Got Named on the Scotland England Border

Coldstream is on the Scotland England Border, yet The Coldstream Guards are a London regiment. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey, visits Coldstream to explain how this English regiment got a Scottish name.

How War Started on the Scotland England Border

How War Started on the Scotland England Border

A Scotland England Border tour with Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey, visiting Norham Castle to find out what happened when Edward I of England (Longshanks) came to arbitrate in the Great Cause between Robert Bruce and John Baliol

The Ethnic Cleansing of James VI... The Fife Adventurers

The Ethnic Cleansing of James VI... The Fife Adventurers

James VI was determined to get rid of Gaelic language and culture. In a series of videos Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey tells the story of the Statutes of Iona, the Irish plantations in Ireland and and today... The Fife Adventurers

The Ethnic Cleansing of James VI… The Statutes of Iona

The Ethnic Cleansing of James VI… The Statutes of Iona

James VI was determined to get rid of Gaelic language and culture both sides of the Irish sea. In a series of videos Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey tells the story of The Fife Adventurers, the Irish plantations and The Statutes of Iona

Who Made the Scottish People... The Scotch Irish (Ulster Scots)

Who Made the Scottish People... The Scotch Irish (Ulster Scots)

The Scottish nation are an mix of many peoples. Bruce Fummey looks at some of the peoples who made Scotland: The Scots, the Britons, the Angles, the Picts, the Vikings, but in this episode Bruce looks at folks who left Scotland's shores...

The Scotsman Who Was The Last King of Ireland

The Scotsman Who Was The Last King of Ireland

Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey tells the tale or Robert the Bruce, his brother Edward and their invasion of Ireland in opposition to Edward II of England during the Scottish wars of Independence

Who Made the Scottish People... Teh Vikings

Who Made the Scottish People... Teh Vikings

The Scottish nation are an mix of many peoples. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey looks at some of the peoples who made Scotland: The Scots, the Britons, the Angles, the Picts and in this episode... the Vikings

The Massacre of Glencoe

The Massacre of Glencoe

Glencoe... one of the saddest, yet most beautiful paces in Scotland. The Massare that took place there is often misunderstood, so Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, takes you to the National Trust For Scotland Visitor centre to understand

The Broons and Oor Wullie

The Broons and Oor Wullie

Scottish accents without The Broons and Oor Wullie? Impossible. That's what one of our viewers said. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, reminisces about these stables of Scottish culture

The Lowland Clearances

The Lowland Clearances

People seldom talk about the Lowland Clearances. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, visits the Lanarkshire industrial town of Airdrie to talk about the overarching chances that came with Clearance in the Lowlands.

Teh Scottish Samura... The Scotsman Who Made Japan

Teh Scottish Samura... The Scotsman Who Made Japan

Thomas Blake Glover was the Scottish samurai and the Scotsman who made Japan. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey explains how this Fraserburgh born lad became the driving force behind the modernisation of Japan

What They Don't Say About Scottish Accents

What They Don't Say About Scottish Accents

Scots Language, Scottish accents, English slang? As Burns night approaches Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, talks about the history of oor mither tongue.

Mary Queen of Scots' Worst Week Ever

Mary Queen of Scots' Worst Week Ever

Mary Queen of Scots had tragedies in her life, but what was the worst week ever... and how would you have coped with a week like that? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey

Black Bitches and History of a Scottish Town

Black Bitches and History of a Scottish Town

Linlithgow is a Scottish town crammed with history. Some of that history has brought modern day debate. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, brings the past and present together to address the controversy of the Black Bitch

New Year from a Scottish Point of View

New Year from a Scottish Point of View

Hogmanay and New Year 's Day was always a special time in Scotland. So why was a Scottish New Year special and how has it changed over the years? Scottish History Tour Guide Bruce Fummey talks to two people from Leith in the Wee Museum of Memory

Why This English Town Belongs to Scotland?

Why This English Town Belongs to Scotland?

Did you know there's a town in England that belongs to Scotland? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, travels south to investigate the reasons why and ask the question: 'Does it matter?'

Culloden Was NOT the Last Jacobite Hurrah

Culloden Was NOT the Last Jacobite Hurrah

Culloden is often seen as the end of the Jacobite cause. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey goes to Ruthven Barracks to tell the tale of when the Jacobite cause finally came to an end at The Battle of Quiberon Bay.

What They Don't Say About David Livingstone and Stanley

What They Don't Say About David Livingstone and Stanley

avid Livingstone meets Henry Morgan Stanley. It's a story of legend, but Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey reveals what they don't say about the meeting between two African explorers and Lanarkshire doctors.

Suffragettes From a Scottish Point of View...

Suffragettes From a Scottish Point of View...

Suffragettes and Suffragists, what's the difference and what role did Scottish women play in the fight for women's suffrage and votes for women? Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey tells the story of Suffragettes from a Scottish point of view

The Scotsman Who Invented Money and Bankrupted France

The Scotsman Who Invented Money and Bankrupted France

John Law: credited with inventing money and bankrupting France in the Mississipi bubble; also convicted of murder and suggested a solution to the post Darien capital crisis that could have saved Scotland from The Union. Bruce Fummey tells the tale

What They Don't Say About the Battle of Culloden

What They Don't Say About the Battle of Culloden

The Battle of Culloden. Key to Scottish history, but Bruce Fummey discusses what they don't' say about it. Bruce looks at the wider European and Global events during the Jacobite uprisings to make sense of Culloden. More than an episode of Outlander

The Scotsman Who Played Bagpipes at The Alamo

The Scotsman Who Played Bagpipes at The Alamo

The Alamo siege is something most of us have heard about, but how many of you know about the Scotsman who played bagpipes there? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, traces John MacGregor from Highland Perthshire to The Alamo in San Antonio

Slaery Isn't About Race... A Lesson from Scottish History

Slaery Isn't About Race... A Lesson from Scottish History

Bruce Fummey examines coal slavery in Scotland

How Did Robert the Bruce Take Back Berwick From the English?

How Did Robert the Bruce Take Back Berwick From the English?

When Robert the Bruce won at Bannockburn it wasn't all over. One of the biggest challenges was the English occupation of Berwick on Tweed. Scottish History Tour Guide Bruce, Fummey tells of Robert the Bruce's attempts to take it back.

The First Ever Police Murder in Scotland

The First Ever Police Murder in Scotland

Bruce Fummey tells the stoy of the first ever police murder in Scotland

Who Made the Scottish People... The Picts

Who Made the Scottish People... The Picts

The Picts are possibly this channel's most requested, yet most mysterious people in Scottish history. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey takes you to Scotland's biggest hillfort to tell you where The Picts fit in to the story of the Scottish p

Whatever Happened to the Haggis Hunting Dog ?

Whatever Happened to the Haggis Hunting Dog ?

Haggis Hunting Dogs are sometimes seen as a joke, but they were key for our Scottish ancestors and culture. Bruce Fummey explains the history of the haggis hunting dog, the best tasting haggis and his concerns about modern farm reared haggis

Scotland’s Origin Story - What You Never Realised about The Declaration of Arbroath

Scotland’s Origin Story - What You Never Realised about The Declaration of Arbroath

The Declaration of Arbroath is Scotland's origin story and declaration of Scottish independence rolled into one, but Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey takes you to Arbroath Abbey to think about it in a way you probably never have before.

A Scottish American Disaster

A Scottish American Disaster

Scottish and Americain folks have many bonds that tie them, but disaster too. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey takes us to Islay to tell the tale of the Scottish American disaster with the sinking of SS Tuscania and the HMS Otranto

Who Was the Father of Clans ?

Who Was the Father of Clans ?

Talk Scottish history and you think of clans and warriors, but who was the Father of Clans? Bruce Fummey takes you to Finlaggan to tell how Somerled and his sons created so many of the names you'll associate with Highland Scottish clans

Mary Queen of Scots and the Last Scotland England Battle

Mary Queen of Scots and the Last Scotland England Battle

Mary Queen of Scots and Scottish English conflict were never far apart, but Bruce Fummey visits Pinkie Cleugh and Carberry Hill to show just how closely intertwined were marital relations and the last Scottish English battle

Scottish History in One Island Story

Scottish History in One Island Story

Inchcolm is an island, an abbey and it’s dripping with Scottish history. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, takes us on a boat trip to tell us some of the history of the Island

Culross... Village of Outlander, Black Diamonds and a Patron Saint

Culross... Village of Outlander, Black Diamonds and a Patron Saint

The historic village of Culross is famed as a Scottish Outlander location set, but what other history lies behind the 17th Century Fife Village?

Scottish Covenanters.... The Anti Jacobites in History

Scottish Covenanters.... The Anti Jacobites in History

The Covenanters and the Jacobites were two opposites in Scottish history, but they depended on each other and were inextricably linked. Bruce Fummey takes you to St Giles Cathedral and Greyfriars Cemetery to give you a glimpse of the story.

The First Assassination in History

The First Assassination in History

Did you know that the first assassination in history was related to Mary Queen of Scots? Bruce Fummey, delves into the life of Mary Queen of Scots, her brother James Stewart Earl of Moray and civil and family strife in Scottish history

The Pictish Battle of Bannockburn.... Dun Nechtain

The Pictish Battle of Bannockburn.... Dun Nechtain

The Battle of Bannockburn is a seminal event in Scottish history, but the Picts faced their own Bannockburn at Dun Nechtain or Nechtainsmere. Bruce Fummey looks at the parallels between these two defining battles in Scottish history

The Jacobite Tale you Won't Hear in Outlander

The Jacobite Tale you Won't Hear in Outlander

Jacobite stories seldom come without baggage of belief, especially in the world of Outlander and modern say politics. Scottish history Tour guide tells a Jacobite story affecting his own home town

The Best Castle in Scotland for a Scottish Castle Tour

The Best Castle in Scotland for a Scottish Castle Tour

Which is the best castle in Scotland? Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey takes you on a Scottish castle tour to give an insight into what makes Stirling Castle special for a day out in Scotland.

Who Made the Scottish People... The Angles

Who Made the Scottish People... The Angles

The Scottish people are a mix. Scotland was formed from Scots, Picts, Vikings, Britons and Angles. In his series on who made the Scottish people, Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, looks at The Angles

The Scottish, English Saint of... Lindisfarne

The Scottish, English Saint of... Lindisfarne

Is Lindisfarne Abbey, in Northumberland, Scottish or English? It's probably not as straightforward as you think. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey explains how the monetary came to be established

Riot that Made a Scottish Football Team... The Porteous Riot

Riot that Made a Scottish Football Team... The Porteous Riot

The Porteous Riots are a part of Scottish history that inadvertently gave the name to one of the Edinburgh football teams. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, tells the story where it happened in Edinburgh's Grassmarket at Royal Mile

When was the Last Clan Raid in Scotland? ...The Grants and the MacDuffs

When was the Last Clan Raid in Scotland? ...The Grants and the MacDuffs

Scottish clans; clan raids, clan battles, tartan, targe and claymore. So what was the last clan raid in Scotland like. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey goes to Elgin to tell the tale of Clan Grant and Clan MacDuff.

What you Didn't Know About the Scotland England Border

What you Didn't Know About the Scotland England Border

The Scotland England border was settled over centuries of clashes in the history of Scotland. Some are some more surprising than others. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey explains two unusual quirks of the Scottish English border.

Must See Places to visit in Scotland... Kilmartin Glen

Must See Places to visit in Scotland... Kilmartin Glen

Kilmartin Glen has to be one of the most astonishing places in Scottish history. Lochs, and glens, pre-historic standing stones and cairns, Dunadd hilfort, canals, cleared highland villages and more. Bruce Fummey takes you on a fly through the glen

Who Made Scottish People? ...The Britons

Who Made Scottish People? ...The Britons

The Britons were one of five groups who were the foundation of the Scottish people. Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey explains, as he visits Dumbarton Castle, ( Alt Clut ) and Govan Old Church to find out about the Strathclyde Britons.

The Scottish Border Reivers and Kinmont Willie Armstrong

The Scottish Border Reivers and Kinmont Willie Armstrong

Kinmont Willie Armstrong was one of the most notorious border reivers. Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey gives a taste of his story from Gilnockie Tower, the Scottish Borders and Carlisle Castle

Scottish Border Reivers and King James V

Scottish Border Reivers and King James V

Who were the border reivers? Who was Johnny Armstrong? Why did James V care? Scottish history tour guide Bruce Fummey tells the story of Johnny Armstrong from the Clan Armstrong Centre at Gilnockie Tower

Who Made Scottish People? ...The Scots

Who Made Scottish People? ...The Scots

Scots aren't one thing, so who made the Scottish people? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey looks at the four kingdoms and five peoples who were the basis of Scotland. This episode looks at The Scots

The Scotsman Who Taught English to Samurai? A Bannockburn Story You Don't Hear... Sir Marmeduke de Thweng Are We Losing Scottish History? The Most Incredible Migration in Scottish History What is Scottish History? The Whisky Story You Don't Hear About... Rita Cowan The Scottish Samurai From Nagasaki The Most Incredible Pirate in Scottish History Could Mary Queen of Scots Have Escaped her English Prison? What They Don't Say About the Bagpipes Tam O'Shanter From Robert Burns' Cottage and the Alloway Kirkyard The Bannockburn Story you Don't Hear About… The Truth about Henry de Bohun? What They Don't Say About Scottish Christmas The Scottish Castle Siege Nobody Talks About Is Harley Davidson Really Scottish? What They Don't Say About Magna Carta How Scotland Invented International Football A Scotch Whisky Story Nobody Talks About Stuff You Didn't Know About William Wallace Look What England Stole from Scotland This Time ! Scottish West African Family Gets DNA Results... and it's a Shock Who Made the Scottish People... The Normans When Did Mary Queen of Scots Become a Prisoner? Is This THE MOST INCREDIBLE Historic Site? How Scottish Was William Wallace? Why is there an English Monument to a Scottish King? How Scottish are The British Royal Family? How Do you Make a Scottish King? What's the Most Viking-y Place in Scotland? What They Don't Say About the William Wallace Monument Who's The Patron Saint of the Scotland England Border How Vikings Fought Hitler... on a Shetland Bus Why You'd Be Crazy Not to Visit Mousa Broch... in Iron Age Shetland I Never Knew The Edinburgh Fringe Was Scottish History of Shetland in 10 Minutes... Plus 60% Extra FREE What They Don't Say About the Piper's Lament The Story You Don't Know About Glencoe Did The Roman Empire Conquer Scotland? What They Don't Say About The Clearances... 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Scotland’s Origin Story - What You Never Realised about The Declaration of Arbroath A Scottish American Disaster Who Was the Father of Clans ? Mary Queen of Scots and the Last Scotland England Battle Scottish History in One Island Story Culross... Village of Outlander, Black Diamonds and a Patron Saint Scottish Covenanters.... The Anti Jacobites in History The First Assassination in History The Pictish Battle of Bannockburn.... Dun Nechtain The Jacobite Tale you Won't Hear in Outlander The Best Castle in Scotland for a Scottish Castle Tour Who Made the Scottish People... The Angles The Scottish, English Saint of... Lindisfarne Riot that Made a Scottish Football Team... The Porteous Riot When was the Last Clan Raid in Scotland? ...The Grants and the MacDuffs What you Didn't Know About the Scotland England Border Must See Places to visit in Scotland... 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Battle of the Clans and the Ghost of the Highland Warrior Scotland to Canada: Volunteers or Victims of Highland Clearances How The Poor Fought Highland Clearances in Sutherland The Forgotten Celtic Kings of Medieval Scotland Why do Scottish and American People See History Differently? Mary Queen of Scots Last Days in Scotland: The Battle of Langside Did Robert the Bruce REALLY Win Scottish Independence at the Battle of Bannockburn 1314? Flora MacDonald and Winnifred Maxwell: Ladies of the Jacobite Rebellion Was St Andrew Really the Patron Saint of Scotland? Did he help us win the Battle of Bannockburn? Forgotten Highland Rebellion: John Lord of the Isles and The Treaty of Ardtornish Becoming King of the Isles: Somerled Builds his Hebridean Island Kingdom THE FALL OF CLAN MacGREGOR: Scottish clan history and the Battle of Glen Fruin BETWEEN BRAVEHEART AND OUTLAW KING: After William Wallace and Before Robert the Bruce KING JAMES I OF SCOTLAND? 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